work makAll play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All HBAM2016AUG95 Pro 3.0 All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a goodCopyright 1984-1997 Claris Corporation and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. all-stars@ augie@ betrothal[ brandon@ fact@ colour@ debkaR eleanor's folly@ fathouse@ gain@ greg@ illuminati music never stopped@ jersey@ klezmer@ liminal maddalena@ mingus dreyfus chance natural@ outdoor elevator pipes qwertyuiop@ rothenberg@ portrait colors@ stentor@ tants@ sheik avenue stand still@ speech problem HBAM3016AUG95@ morgan's shanachie everybody's talking about crustaceans 1990o 20792 20792 peace reception country wedding drunken monkey little contact snese a'crying abducted about absurd absurd children advantage affair after against ahab's ahab's aklaff alabama alberta alberta clipper alexC chilton wanna handC alibi alignment alignment laster alisdair nothing halloweens undone nknown xan unexpected TCP/IP error ( AppleTalk is not enabled ( TCP/IP couldn't be initialized (:the manually set TCP/IP address is configured improperly (Jthe TCP/IP address is already in use or an address could not be obtained ( ; This file is created and used by FileMaker Pro for TCP/IP access. ; It should contain one IP address or host name per line. ; Lines starting with a semicolon are ignored. FileMaker Hosts Local Hosts Specify Host...:FileMaker host name is limited to 32 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter all-starsT allah alolloU alollo trehorn klezmatics marxU alpha amazing american american gladiators feldman among ancient] andalou andrew julie brown genius lament angel anima animal anotherd anthem anthem giant dwarfs anthem eternity anthony anthony coleman ladino passacaglia antsS apocolyptica araberP around arrival artoJ lindsay looks lindsay/mark ribot straw baron don'tJ ashby ashiata peace deamons athens attack audrey augie augie august august aurora austin austin automata autumn autumn avenue awfully awfully short babylonians backwards birdie pipes balderose ballad ballet ballet dancer bandA baronJ battlefield battlefield untitled great bearded bebop become before before after beingA being visited bells beloved beloved benefitA bennet bennettF bernice beset beset sould bessemer betrothal betrothal[ better between bibandum bennett billions billions billions hamburgers billyM billy billy tipton memorial quartet frailochM bird's birdie birds birds birds/jews bittovaj black black white episode black colour love's black blackbird bloedow blueI bluesu blues allah blues helen blues holman 1990o bobover bobover wedding march bolero bomar bomar driscolli bomba books bootin bootin bootleg bosnians dolphin/stairs boy/amazing bpuca brandon brandon overflow kandinsky brandon overflow waiter brasilia brassA braxton braxton pavone eronel break break spell break spell bright bright future britton brown brushes bruxa~ bubbas buchimish bucketV bucket buckets buckets iseas buddhaI buddha budsx bugbears bulgare night buried buried irvin burner concerto business business usual butoma butterfly blackbird byron byzar byzar byzar byzar prologue caligari cambodia can't caravan carpathia cavel celia[ central certificate certificate existence cesare cesare's cesare's attack chadbourneE chains chambre chance changes chapin charge charles charlie charlie hunter quartet ashby chauffage cheryl chews chicago chicken chien child children chiltonC choose christ christ's christ's suffering christianw christian marclay bennett silver liningw chunkF chunk familyq circle clear clear clipper clocky closing cloud clusone clusone pimps door/pipistrello cocek cohnJ dream coleman color color friendly color hypnotic state colors colors heaven colour comeB together compassion compatibility concerto coney` coney island heyday` confirmation congressh consequences contact control convents corners could countercultures countercultures douglass country crawford crazy crazy fingers creamsplit creek crime cripple cripple kingdom crisis crispell cross crowning crustaceans culture culture practice cyrille d-batman dachau dagger danceY dancer dancers dancers tales danny place darkroom david david quartet daydream deamons dearF dearg debka debkaR deciding decomposer decomposer dedicated dedicated great forest flame takatou delta defunktB defunkt togetherB deliverance delta demolition depression neier freyleknsb derams desert desert story desireY detector devilm dewey dewey square diadok diamond diamonds dickv discipline discipline children discuss} distraction divine[ soulslinger abducted soulslinger prologue spooky remix sistrum neill grapeheme spooky subliminal heterotopian trace spooky subliminal journey paraspace doctor| doctor nerve nothing dogsv dolby dollar dolphin/stairs byron plays music mickey wedding dance don'tD don't doncha donna donna door/pipistrello doubleg double diamond double douglas douglass downJ under drala{ drama drama dream dreams dress dressert dreyfus drifting drifting driscoll driscolli driving driving range dropken[ finger drums drunken duende duets duets thurston moore elliot sharp dwarfs duende western suite radio earth ebina ebina bird's egypt eidolon eleanorL eleanor's eleanor's folly electric electric outhaus elevator eleven eliyahu eliyahu hanovi elizabeth elliot emmaT goldman's wedding desire dance empty empty episode equiatoria erghenk eronel eternal eternal intro eternity eugeneE eugene chadbourne lifeE eurotrash eurotrash ballad evermore everybody everybody chews everybody's existence exiti explosion explosion nuclear family intro factor faith faith evermore fajtj faker fakir falling falling familyq faraway farmp fastn burner bearded walks tightrope father fathouse feldman finale finale finger fingers first first meeting first thirds fitting friendship flame flamenco flatbush fling flourish folly foolish force forest forwardn found founder foxwood foxwood shuffle foxwoods foxwoods stomp foxys frailochM frameworkk framework erghen diadok freakyW freaky guitar freylekhsW fredH lonberg-holm taxmanH freedom freedom freedom freighth freylekhsW freyleknsb friend friendly friendship fritht front fugit full] ancient waters] future galluccio garyr lucas ghostsr gawkin gayle gawkin geltS genius gentle~ gentle natural bruxa~ george george balderose danny boy/amazing grace george balderose piobaireachd lament alisdair dearg ghost ghostsr giant gifts gigolo gimme tonic tying gisburg gisburg tzadik since you're gladiators glenz velez redmond steve scott robinson drala{ velez redmond steve scott robinson ramanz goldman'sY goldmansT gologotham gondola gonnawanna gornz grace grace miyabi grapeheme gravity great greazy greazy green gregJ drums drums guessing guessing spoons guest guitarW smuggler hagia hagia sophia hakafos halfsteppin halloweens hallucinations hamburgers handC hannita hanovi happy happy harrry hassidicR hassidic debkaR shoes haved anotherd haywire paper heart heaven helen outta bessemer slipknot/franklin's tower heree heterotopian heterotopian trace prologue heyday` crowning grace hoffman'sK holdC holmano honer honer halfsteppin honiksaftQ hoofin hooker/ranaldo/parki hooker/ranaldo/parki alpha omega horace horace tapscott caravan horse horse house house sweat sweat humon hunter hurt| hustle hustle hypnotic can't could dream today found standing there/julie among redwoods wretch iddly talking about please ikuet frith dresser orbital inversiont illuminati illuminati music never stopped illusion imbue impromptu dream october incident india indian indian summer infatuation insomnia instinct instrumentala interrogation intro intro inversiont invocation inzane irvin prisoner iseas island` it'se heree bittova pavel strom bittova pavel stormj jaune passengers records doncha passengers egypt overture brown justin moonray jericho jerseym jesus jesus christ scripture morris nation prologue nation zvona joeyy baron pause clocky johnO zorn's masada ziphimO johnny johnny lately johnny lately charles gayle journey jowyJ juicy juicy julie julius genius tempus fugit gigolo justin kandinsky karlU kazutoki kazutoki umezu kerney kevin kevin mohogany stockholm sweetnin khossidl killer killer kimmel kindu kingG missile solomon's marbles kingdom kingdom kiteA klezmaticsP klezmatics araber tantsP klezmatics honiksaftQ klezmerN kneehead knock knows kolomeyke kopanista kurtK hoffman's weeds revolution monte's nightmare ladino ladys lambs lambs a'crying lament lanez lasti spral sprawli stand temptation laster lastor sweet light lately laughter brushes legged miserables brass being benefit kiteA miserables brass eleanor rigbyL letter lifeE crime short light anthony liminal liminal liminal plague lindsay lindsay/markJ lines lingering liningw lisa/mozart's listen listen little little machines little money creek little stitches lines living living water galluccio lonberg-holmH loneliness lonesome looking looks looks loquacity lovex outer space blues strong faraway planet those shoes love's lucasr lukovit lullag'bye lunchD lunch julius lydiaD lydia lunch don't roadD machine machines maddalena maddalena madoka's madoka's organic chauffage man's manic manic depression marbles march march oblique marclayw marilyn marilyn crispell andrew cyrille notability mario mario pavone sextet double diamond markt dresser amazing cesare marxU masadaO matches matthew matthew shipp instinct mcdonalds mechanicsville meditations meeting melchior melchior kimmel laster melfordu memorialM menagerie menagerie derams michael mickey million million dollar mingus mingus dreyfus chance miniaturem miniature jersey devilm minor minor threat miserablesA mishelo missileG miyabi mohogany mompou momppouii lisa/mozart's money monk's monk's dream monkey dolby monte's moon] moonray moore morgan's morit morning morning incident morris motherless motherless child motion mountain multiple music three corners myrau melford changes melford bluesu mystere science outer space nathanson nation native native green natural~ nature humon segue rothenberg double rothenberg double rai-hop needed needle needle negativland negativland choose negra neierb neill nerve| nervous nervous laughter never never lifep babylonians klezmer phrasesN world cocek transit newness newness night nightmare nitemare friend between safety discuss safety animal nobody nobody noise norma norma winstone prelude notability nothing| shivtzZ nuclear number backwards backwards oblique october ladys budsx omega eleven looking looking looking around optic optic nerve orange orange color orange color dress orbitalt organic other other pictures outdoor outdoor elevator outdoor elevator outer outhaus outta outtro overflow overture harrry pablo paisians pantheon paper parables paradoxS paradox nathanson anthony coleman paradox geltS paradox drifting paradox chien andalou paraspace paris partX passacaglia passengers patti's patti's swing paula paula walks pausey pavelj pavlov's pavlov's heaven pavone peace peace peace earth people people happy person pestI petals petals douglas pheeroan pheeroan aklaff phrasesN picaro pictures pimps piobaireachd pipeline pipes pipes place plague plain plain planet playboys playboys western world plays please poemU central poignant poignant dream polystop polystop multiple ponytail butterfly man's portrait nature practice precious precious prelude prisoner problem procedure procedure against prologue prophecy prophecy somnambulist proto proto liminal prozak prudenceF psychedelic psychedelic psycho^ psycho klezmer^ puppy quarter watch chicken dance quark quarter quartetM queen queen quorns qwertyuiop radio radio bomba rai-hop raise raise ramanaz range rawlins rawlins cross night rebecca rebecca moore needle reception recognize recorded recorded records recovery letter redeemed redmondz redwoods reels reflections reflections crawford reflex refuge remind remix repent resolution resolution reunion revolutionK rhythm ribotJ man's rictus rigbyL ritual roadD robbie robinsonz rockin rockin rhythm romancer roofys roofys rosalie's rosalie's nitemare rotations rothenbergg rough nathanson anthony coleman rufus rufus ruler ruler heart rythme rythme bulgare sabiha sacred sacred killer sadegur sadegur khossidl sadness safe~ safety} spirit sakura sallyn salsa salsa negra salvatore bennett chunk prudenceF bennet bennett gimme bennett animal sammy sanctification sands sarenna satmer satmer hakafos saturday saturday morning saxhouse schist schreck schreck factor science scottz screw scripture sealed sealed books seduction seeds seesaw segue portrait colors serenity seven seven sextet shake shake shalom shanachie sharon sharp sharrockv sheik shipp shivtzZ shoes short shuffle shuizuka shvitzT shvitz all-stars goldmans weddingT signing signing guest silence silence shuizuka silverw shalom simplex simplex since sisters sistrum rictus sleaziness slipknot/franklin's mechanicsville athens athens smoke smoke detector smuggler snake snake snese happy together solomon's someu somnabulist somnabulist bloedow somnambulist house sonance sonance dance pablo sonnyv sonny sharrock dogsv sophia sould soulslinger soundcheck souvenir space space fling space loneliness spanishl spanish spanish species species compatibility speech spell spirit spirits spirits sharon spirits flatbush angel spiritual split split control spooky spoons spral sprawli spring springtime springtime chicago square stable stable seven stamina stand standing starfinger state stentor stentor lastor amazing cesare stevez still stitches stockholm stomp stone stone stone mountain stopped stormj story straight straight street strange strange infatuation strangle strangle infatuation strawJ straw driscoll street strike stringfaced strom strong prologue soundcheck subliminal subtonium suffering suite summer summer dress swailing sweatX sweet sweetnin swing swoon swoon tackle takatou take\ refuge sands tales talking talking drums tango tantsP tapscott tarantella taxmanH temptation tempus tempus fugit testaments blues bosnians circle closing deciding machine affair faker father ghost front lines great impromptu michael music never stopped mystere chambre jaune night needed ponytail sheik avenue sisters bernice thomis chapin insomnia unbreakable variation sakura sakura watson pipeline world theme there's there's there/julie these these diamonds these foolish things remind things third third force third person reflex thirds thomas thomas chapin drunken monkey thomas chapin quarter watch thomas chapin menagerie dreams thomis those threaded threat three threnody threnody charles mingus through through thumbrill thurston tightrope tikkun britton bpuca reels arrival stand still tiptonM today togetherB tonic tower trace trainh trains transit trehornU trenchant trifecta trioN turbulence screw twisty twisty lullag'bye tying tzadik tziganski mishelo umezu yukaba unbreakable uncle uncle under underwater underwater still motion ritual dagger cloud undone universalh universal congress freight trainh untitled untitled usedp ushkushkushkaloosh usual utage utage water v'erastikh[ v'erastikh divine betrothal celia dropken[ v'erastikh instrumentala v'smachta variation vatican velezz venus visited voice voice zaync waiter walks wannaC watch watch water waters] watson waveR quark paisians weaklings weddingT weedsK welcome welcome mcdonalds dachau welcome western western picaro western speech problem speech problem lonesome white knows better puppy winstone withU woman woman lukovit wonderful wonderful world workG world would-be wretch wrong wrong number dream legged sally forward x-leggedn x-legged sally forwardn x-legged sally yesbody yakitori yesbody yesbody yesbody yesbody yesbody yokes become caligari advantage you're yourC yukaba zaync ziphimO zorn'sO zvona nolet morning morning nolet 7/11/97 AUDIO TITLE TitleB AudioB 113B=Les Miserables Brass Band Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite Defunkt Come Together 113B%Alex Chilton I Wanna Hold Your Hand 113B,Lydia Lunch Why Don t We Do It In The Road 113B#Eugene Chadbourne Day in the Life 113B&Sam Bennett and Chunk Dear Prudence 113B!King Missile We Can Work it Out Fred Lonberg-Holm Taxman Buddha Pest Blue Jay Way 113BMArto Lindsay/Mark Ribot/ Syd Straw/ Jowy Baron/ Greg Cohn t Let me Down 113B,Kurt Hoffman s Band of Weeds Revolution #9 113B)Les Miserables Brass Band Eleanor Rigby 123B(Billy Tipton Memorial Quartet - Frailoch New Klezmer Trio - Phrases John Zorn s Masada - Ziphim Klezmatics - Araber Tants Klezmatics - Honiksaft Hassidic New Wave - Debka Paradox Trio - Ants for Gelt 123B(Shvitz All-Stars - Emma Goldmans Wedding 123B3Alollo Trehorn with Klezmatics - Poem for Karl Marx TracksK TitleN AIFF File B some kind Bucket Cue Freaky Guitar Freylekhs (How To) Sweat- Part 1 144B/Emma Goldman s Wedding a) Desire b) Dance to it Now to the Shivtz 144B6V erastikh Li (Divine Betrothal) poem by Celia Dropken Take One Full Moon, Ancient Waters Psycho Klezmer 144B Kolomeyke Coney Island Heyday erastikh Li (Instrumental) Der Neier Freylekns Vus Vet Zayn Have Another s Hot in Here (How to ) sweat Part 1 and 2 097B$Ned Rothenberg Double Band - Rai Hop 097B%Universal Congress of - Freight Train Last Exit - The Sprawl 097B"Ive Bittova and Pavel Fajt - Storm Framework - Erghen Diado Spanish Fly - Cave Man Miniature - Jersey Devil X-Legged Sally - Fast Forward Bob Holman - 1990 New and Used - Farm Life Chunk - Part of the Family Gary Lucas - Ghosts Odd Job - Foxy Lady 4B7Ikue Mori, Fred Frith, Mark Dresser - Orbital Inversion 098B!Myra Melford - Some Kind of Blues Sonny Sharrock - Dick Dogs 098B1Christian Marclay and Sam Bennett - Silver Lining Odd Job - Love Buds Joey Baron - Pause of the Clock 098B@Glen Velez with Lane Redmond, Steve Gorn, Scott Robinson- Ramana 098B@Glen Velez with Lane Redmond, Steve Gorn, Scott Robinson - Drala 099B)Doctor Nerve - Nothing You Can Do Hurt Me No Safety - Discuss it 099B Gentle, Safe and Natural - Bruxa 099B!The Thomis Chapin Trio - Insomnia Negativland - You Must Choose 099B,Brandon Ross The Overflow - the Ugly Waiter 099BGeorge Balderose - Piobaireachd: The Lament for Alisdair Dearg Samm Bennett - Gimme a dram 133B(Tim Britton - Air / Port na bPuca: Reels The Wax/ Watson - Pipeline Rawlins Cross - Long Night 133B-Andy Haas And Julie Brown - Sub Genius Lament Battlefield Band - Untitled Tell Me To Live To Die Peace of Mind D-Batman Crisis Come Together Manic Depression Salsa Negra Illusion Million Dollar Bash Dark Place So Happy Together One More Time Ice in Her Eyes I Feel so Bad Today I Can t Get Used to It Bend Down Low Love is Strong The Ponytail Song Paula Walks You Make It Easy 145B1I saw Her Standing There/Julie Among the Redwoods 151B*Duets with Thurston Moore and Elliot Sharp mompou strangle infatuation no pain no gain when i fall dear hal austin auto paris mompou Mompou Strange Infatuation No Pain No Gain When I fall Dear Hal Austin Auto Paris 153B MomppouII Ruler of My Heart Precious Time s Dream Talking Drums Blues For Me Rockin in Rhythm Sadness 154B Son House Listen Here Kneehead Yo Hey WATCH BITE Wild Puppy Blue DogC blue_dog1.aif Radio BombaC blue_dog2.aif E=MC5 - Duende (Western Suite) Theme Dream Flamenco Tango Tarantella Bolero Audrey Train Theme Minor Threat E=MC5 (radio edit) Yakitori Western Picaro Juicy Mami Horse Work Stable Seven Lulu and Roro Ballet Dancer Overture At the Fair FAKIR!! Step Up! See the Amazing Cesare Prophecy of the Somnambulist Bad News, Jane 155B Seduction Cesare s Attack You Must Become Caligari Is the Prisoner Safe? The Circle is Closing in Seven Days 157B Lord Lord Beset Sould His Crowning Grace Redeemed Anthem to Eternity Yokes 158B Spiritual Peace On Earth Brasilia India Alabama Matches Culture/ Not Practice Other Pictures Spring Strike! tempus fugit confirmation 160B shaw nuff 160B hot house cheryl bebop Hallucinations 160B donna lee un poco loco tempus fugit Melchior Kimmel (Laster) Petals (Douglas) Alignment (Laster) American Gladiators (Feldman) Bomar (Driscolli) Stentor (Lastor) Straw Hat (Driscoll) Countercultures (Douglass) Be Great 164B Recognize In love Gtr. Drums #2 Stitches Imbue Tap Gtr. Absurd Children Noise Flag of Friendship Venus Looks Like You Flourish Awfully Short Voice and Lips 164B Btr. Bass Founder 164B Bag Pipes Drug Finger Gtr. Drums #1 Head in a Paper Bag 164B Very Good If You Please Me 162B Busy Head Needle Men Twisty Lullag Outdoor Elevator The Lamp Shop All The Halloweens You Can Hold Darkroom The Sisters Bernice Cripple Kingdom Rosalie s Nitemare Driving Range Butoma Love Those Shoes Signing Like A Guest Book Ushkushkushkaloosh Simplex Bob Fitting Would-Be Uncle Core 166B